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Back in my day, Keurig® brewers had one button to make a cup of coffee, and it was not of the fancy touchscreen variety. Now Keurig® coffee makers look space age and come with all sorts of bells and whistles making the resulting cup of joe even more personal. Coffee too hot? You can make it cooler. Too watered down? You can adjust the cup size. Prefer an extra-strong cup? There is a feature for that as well.
Although the choices are great, there are two that I believe genuinely impact the quality of coffee, temperature and cup size. I will teach you how to adjust those on a variety of Keurig® brewer models.
The factory preset temperature is 192 degrees, which I find to be just right, others disagree. That’s okay, we can all have our way. On the touchscreen:
On the touchscreen:
These instructions apply to the K-Plus® and Keurig® 2.0 models. If you have an older brewer, you may see a heart icon that will take you directly to the favorites setting screen. K-Elite® users look for a double gear image in the upper left-hand corner of your display screen.
Keurig® makes our morning cup extra personal with each new brewer model. You may have noticed that there are settings labeled 1-6. As of today, only one and two are taken by the K-Mug® and K-Carafe® pods which leads me to believe that we have some new products coming soon! For now, I cherish the strong button. It initiates a pulse brew technology that allows the water more lengthy and thorough contact with the coffee grinds. Combine the “strong” option with a lower water amount, and that is my perfect cup of joe! Thank you, Keurig®!