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How to Resolve an”Oops” Message On a Keurig®  2.0 Brewer

Congratulations, you have not only joined the Keurig® revolution but, you have done it with style. Keurig® 2.0 is the latest and greatest in K-Cup® brewing technology.  This unit is packed with bells and whistles that provides you with one heck of a good cup of joe. 2.0 is not only programmable to your specific tastes but, it recognizes the K-Cup® pod; you have chosen and prepares it optimally. Whether it be coffee, tea or hot cocoa, it simply knows how to produce superior results. Also, you can now enjoy a carafe of coffee to share with friends!

Oops message instagram
But, there is one little, tiny issue that has several of you wondering how to proceed. We like to call it “the oops message.”

You may have noticed that the lids of your K-Cup®  pods look slightly different. There is now a white ring surrounding the perimeter that says  “Keurig®  brewed” several times or may even be blank. This ring contains data that tells your brewer what type of K-Cup® pod you are brewing and which setting to choose for an optimal result as mentioned above.  Without this ring, your 2.0 will not function. This is where the oops message occurs.  

Why would a K-Cup® pod not have the Keurig® brewed ring on the lid?

There are two possible reasons:
  1. You are using a non sanctioned, knock off K-Cup® pod. Generics simply will not work, the K-Cup® pods you purchase must have the Keurig® brewed seal on the box. Look for the seal, and you are good to go but, it must be the official seal. Consumers tend to get tricked by the words “to be used in Keurig® brewers” or “compatible with Keurig® brewers.” These are not good enough; it must have the official Keurig® seal. 
  2. You are using a K-Cup® pod that predates the technology. Authorized distributors are working on clearing out their inventory of K-Cup® pods that were packaged before the release of the 2.0 technology. This is a great time to stock up if you are using a classic Keurig® model because any K-Cup® pods that do not contain the ring will most likely be on sale.  
If you receive the oops message, you now know not to panic…your machine is not broken or malfunctioning. Unfortunately, there is not a magic trick to bypass the error. But, with a little knowledge, you will be well on your way to happily brewing with you Keurig® 2.0 by choosing compatible K-Cup® pods
**Post update**
A helpful reader had this great piece of advice to offer:
“Like others, I was getting the oops message using an authorized reusable K-cup. It worked fine for a couple of months, but then the message came. I finally figured out that I had to clean the laser lens with a Q-tip because coffee oils had built up on the glass. It was that simple. I haven’t seen this mentioned and figured I would pass this along.”
Thanks Matt!

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