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Issue Solved: Keurig® Making Weak Coffee

Most of us yearn for a strong, full-bodied coffee in our mugs the moment we wake. We stumble out of bed, blurry-eyed, knowing our Keurig® brewer is in the kitchen ready to serve. Everyone loves the convenience of one-cup coffee, and the variety is second to none. But, some customers say their Keurig® is making weak coffee. In this article, we will teach you what to do if your K-Cup® coffee tastes watery.

pouring cream into a mug of coffee sitting on a wood table

How to Make Stronger Coffee With a Keurig® Machine

Use the Strong Button

Most Keurig® coffee brewers come with a “strong” option. Choose this setting, and your brewer will extract an extra level of depth from your K-Cup® pod. This option uses a pulsing brew method that allows for a more thorough, deeper flavor experience. Your coffee will have a darker appearance and a bolder taste. You should always use the strong button when you make hot chocolate, lattes, and any other creamy drinks.

Use Extra Bold Pods

Extra bold K-Cup® pods are a guaranteed way to add a ton of enjoyment to your cup of Joe. These capsules contain about 20% more grinds. The larger amount of coffee takes it to a whole new level with more depth, flavor, and caffeine. *Pro-tip: Try making an extra bold pod AND use the strong option – we dare you!

pushing brew button on Keurig coffee maker

Place Your Mug Late & Take it Away Early

The Keurig® brewing process starts with a tiny bit of clear water and ends with a puff of steam to clean the brew needles. By placing your mug on the drip tray a few seconds after the process starts you miss the initial water drips. You should also take your mug away early to avoid the end drops getting in your coffee and watering it down.

Shop Where the Variety Is

Grocery stores have limited shelf space. They must optimize their product selection to appeal to the masses. When it comes to K-Cup® pods, this means medium roasts. Darker pods often scare consumers away. That leaves you with little choice in the way of strong capsules. Online distributors, on the other hand – we carry them all! Buy from an authorized dealer online for the best variety. 

women in a blue button down shirt holding a white mug in a kitchen setting with a Keurig® brewer in the background

How to Make Stronger Coffee With Reusable My K-Cup®

The reusable My K-Cup® is a washable mini coffee filter. With the My K-Cup® you can use your own ground coffee in your Keurig® machine. If you are experiencing weak results with My K-Cup® try the following tips to make it taste stronger: 

  • Use the strong button
  • Add more grinds to the filter
  • Use stronger coffee (we recommend Death Wish)
  • Choose a finer grind option (the smaller the grind size, the stronger the coffee)

Personal choice is the whole premise behind Keurig® K-Cup® coffee brewing. Every person in the home or workplace gets their perfect cup of coffee. Including those of us that prefer more kick to our morning cup. Follow these simple tips, and you will never complain of weak coffee again!

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