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We understand how it feels to wonder where your drinking water comes from. Like you, we are frustrated by corporate suppliers that lack transparency. You should know the source of your water, and the process that makes it safe to drink.
In this article, we will take you behind the scenes. We will tell you all about our spring water source. We will also discuss what a spring is, where our spring water comes from, and how it is treated.
A spring can be as small as a puddle and flow only after a heavy rainfall (measured in gallons per minute or GPM). Others are larger than a lake and contain millions of gallons that flow freely (measured in million gallons per day or MGD). Both form when an underground aquifer fills and pressure forces groundwater to flow to the surface through permeable areas of the substrate.
Yes, Distillata is a spring water company. We carry four different types of water and spring water is the most popular option. Our Distillata spring water is artesian which means it flows to the surface without the need for a pump.
In 1985, we began our quest to find a source for our spring water products. To earn our label, the spring had to fulfill several requirements:
Thanks to the unique underground topography of Portage County, we own a protected, natural spring in Brimfield, Oh. that meets all those goals. The spring is made up of several artesian wells over two acres of land. The water comes from a very deep aquifer (over 100 feet) that was determined to have 100 plus years of life by a Kent State geologist. Finally, it is considered protected because there are many layers of rock between the aquifer and the surface. It is best described in this government survey of the underground geology:
“The rugged topography of the bedrock surface of Portage County is, concealed by the mantle of glacial drift. Deep valleys cut by pre-Pleistocene and Pleistocene streams form a complex pattern. These valleys, in places deepened by glacial scour, subsequently were buried beneath the glacial drift. Where the drift filling the burled valleys is coarse sand and gravel, as in western Franklin, Brimfield, and Suffield Townships and in the buried valley that approximately underlies the Cuyahoga Valley in Streetsboro, Shalersville, and Mantua Townships, wells have yielded as much as 1,200 gpm.”
In other words, there is a mantle (clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders) covering the underground valleys. The valleys fill with water. The gravel, and sand act as natural filters. And, the buried valleys provide a cavernous enough area to house a generous supply of water.
No, Distillata spring water is not distilled. Distillation is a specific way to treat water which results in <1 PPM total dissolved solids. It would be counterintuitive to distill spring water. The rich minerals that spring water picks up as it travels through the underground aquifers give it life and flavor.
When you buy spring water for your house or business, you want to be sure it is safe. You should ask for a spring water analysis and understand the treatment process. The Ohio EPA and the FDA oversee the Distillata spring. An independent lab tests the source water and finished product weekly. Then they submit the results to the state of Ohio. Copies of this report are available upon request. We use a blend of methods to ensure that Distillata spring water is safe to drink:
Finally, we bottle the water with state-of-the-art filling equipment that requires little human interaction.
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