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Lavender Mint Tea Recipe

Growing fresh herbs is hard. If you are like us, lavender and mint are the only herbs left standing by the end of summer. And they have overtaken your yard. You can only make so many mojitos, and who knows what to do with lavender besides smell it?

We can’t help you with your green thumb (or lack thereof). But, we have a great way to use up all that lavender and mint – lavender mint tea! Plus, drinking hot herbal tea will keep you warm all winter.

In this article, we will teach you how to make lavender mint tea using fresh herbs. We will tell you the incredible health benefits associated with this tea. And how to dry lavender and mint to use all winter long!

lavendar and mint steeping in hot water for tea

How To Make Lavender Mint Tea


Makes 8 ounces

  •     1 teaspoon fresh or dried lavender
  •     1 teaspoon fresh or dried mint
  •     8 oz hot water


  1. Steep the lavender and mint in the boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Add cane sugar, honey, or Stevia to sweeten, if desired.

Tip: try this recipe iced this summer!

two cups of lavender mint tea

How To Dry Mint and Lavender

The easiest way to dry mint and lavender is in a paper bag. Start by snipping a handful of stems from your fresh plants. Place the bundle in a brown paper bag and close the bag loosely. Wait 2-3 weeks to remove the bundle.

This part will be messy, do it over a tray to catch all the falling debris. Use your thumb and first finger to remove the dried mint leaves and lavender flowers. Crumble them into a jar. We recommend keeping the pieces large, so they don’t get through the holes in your tea strainer. Dispose of the stems and store your dried herbs in a jar placed in a cool and dark spot.

easy lavender mint tea recipe

Lavender Tea Health Benefits

According to lavender has been known to:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Promote healthy digestion
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Reduce the risk of a blood clot
  • Reduce the flow of free radicals
  • Increase restful sleep

And of course, lavender often aids in relaxation. As this is a caffeine-free herbal tea recipe, you can drink it at night!

More hot tea recipes to try:

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