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What is Reverse Osmosis Water?

Reverse Osmosis (commonly called RO) water has been enjoyed for drinking, manufacturing, and other applications for many years. The reverse osmosis purification process was originally used by the US Navy to provide water for their submarine crew members. Believe it or not, they actually removed the salt from seawater to make a potable beverage enabling their troops to stay aboard for extended periods of time. Recently, reverse osmosis has taken off as the water of choice for many consumers. The process is reputable. The resulting water tastes light and refreshing. But, do you know how it is made?

reverse osmosis water process

No matter the method of delivery the process is generally the same. Source water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane that removes 99% of the dissolved inorganic solids. We often describe it as an intense filtration process. The membrane catches the solids but, allows the water to flow through. However, to create truly polished water there are a few more steps. To be precise there are five. You will often hear this process referred to as five-stage reverse osmosis filtration.

  • First, source water goes through a pre-sediment filter removing larger solids and as the name states, sediment.
  • Next, the water travels through two pre-carbon filters removing chlorine, volatile organic compounds, taste, and odor.
  • It then moves along to the reverse osmosis filter to remove the remaining dissolved solids.
  • Last, the final carbon filter delivers a fresh-tasting and smelling product.
reverse osmosis faucet
photo credit:

As you can see RO water does go through quite an extensive undertaking. But, the results are so high quality that it is worth the extra effort to complete all five stages. Reverse osmosis water solves a lot of issues for many areas with dire water situations. Luckily, we are blessed enough to simply enjoy the taste and quality of this fine water choice. Purchase reverse osmosis water in 5-gallon bottles from Distillata today!

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