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Swimming Pool Information – The Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Filling Your Pool

Throughout this comprehensive guide, you will learn all about:

  • Opening your pool
  • Pool maintenance
  • Cleaning your pool
  • Pool repairs
  • Swimming pool water delivery
  • How to calculate the volume of your pool
  • The cost of bulk water delivery

child floating in a rainbow-colored tube in a swimming pool

Opening Your Swimming Pool

There is no greater time as a pool owner than opening it for the first time. The main task at hand is, of course, to fill it with water. There are three water sources that you can choose to fill your new swimming pool:

  • A fire hydrant
  • Your home water
  • A professional water hauler

If you live in a community that allows you to fill your pool from the fire hydrant, this is an efficient option. The City of Cleveland does offer this benefit to residents, but, there are some hoops to jump through. You must obtain a permit and inform your local fire department. Also, you will need to have your own hose, valve, and wrench to operate the hydrant.

The remaining two options are probably a more viable route to take. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to use a bulk water supplier or your own water. We recommend reading the pro’s and con’s of each outlined in our article, “Filling Your Pool: Hose vs. Hauler.”

Once you have made your decision, seek the approval of a swimming pool professional near you.

Swimming Pool Maintenance

The main components of maintaining a pool involve pumps and chemicals. However, those treatment mechanisms diminish in effectiveness over time and replacing the water may become a more effective remedy.

How often does pool water need to be changed?

There is great debate about when you should change your pool water. Some say never. But,  public pools drain and replace their water each year.  In general, it is safe to say that your pool water will need refreshing every five to seven years.

A person sitting in a lounge chair by a pool, reading a book and wearing a large straw hat.

There are a variety of reasons for this including:

  • Environmental factors
  • Reduced effectiveness of chemicals over time
  • Mineral accumulation

The good news is that you often do not have to drain the entire pool. Replacing the majority of the stale water should be enough. You can read more about changing your swimming pool water here.

Cleaning Your Swimming Pool

Cleaning your swimming pool is essential for the integrity of the water. But, no matter how diligent you are, some issues may occur. The most common include:

  • Green water: caused by bacteria, lack of chlorine, inadequate filtration, unbalanced pH
  • Hard water: too much calcium and magnesium
  • Cloudy water: algae, improper chlorine amounts, inadequate filtration, unbalanced pH, litter

Water professionals can determine the cause of green, hard, and cloudy swimming pool water. All three are usually cured with chemicals but, over time, the effect is diminished. Also, in events such as a flood or other natural disaster, the issue is too big. It may be easier and more cost efficient to replace the water altogether.

couple splashing in swimming pool

Pool Repairs

The central repairs that call for a complete pool water refill involve the liner. Since the liner sits under the water it is usually necessary to drain the pool to complete the work. Three common events that may result in pool liner repairs are:

  • Wrinkles: Caused by ground shifts (You can try to remove wrinkles before draining your pool. Try the process described in this article, “How to Get Wrinkles out of Vinyl Pool Liners.”)
  • Punctured/ ripped: Usually caused by accidental contact
  • Stained: Occur over time, especially with hard water

Exposure to harsh sunlight can cause your liner to be most vulnerable. But, even liners with the greatest of caretakers will need to be replaced. When that time comes, try this pool liner calculator to estimate the size you will need.

Swimming Pool Water Delivery

Once you have made the decision to use a bulk water hauler to fill your pool, there are a few steps you will need to take.

1. Find out how much water your pool holds. To estimate the volume of water in your pool you can use the following formulas:

  • Rectangle: Length x Width x Avg. Depth x 7.5
  • Round: Diameter x Diameter x Avg. Depth x 5.9
  • Oval: Long Diameter x Short Diameter x Avg. Depth x 6.7
  • Kidney: Length x Avg. Width x Avg. Depth x 7

Or try this Pool Volume Calculator.

2. Measure the distance from the street to your pool.

Most companies will ask for a rough estimate of how far your pool is from where they will park their tanker truck. They will need to know how much hose to bring with them. They may take this measurement themselves to assure your pool fill goes off without a hitch.

3. Talk to a pool specialist about a high-pressure fill

Bulk water tanker trucks use high powered pumps that allow a rapid flow of water. You reap the benefit of quick service, and most pools acclimate better with a fast, steady stream of water. But, it is worth a phone call to prevent any unforeseen problems.

How Much Does Bulk Water Delivery Cost For My Pool?

black goggles sitting on the side of a swimming poolMost companies will quote the cost to fill your pool as a cents per gallon figure. If your estimate is one “out the door” price, calculate how much you are spending per gallon for a fair comparison. There is a rumor that some municipalities will offer a credit on your sewer bill for a pool filling. The claim makes sense since the water you are putting in your pool will not go down the sewer. But, according to the City of Cleveland website, this claim is false.

There are many things to consider when deciding what method to use to fill your swimming pool. It will be different for commercial versus residential settings. But, it often comes down to time. The sooner you can be in your new pool, the better. Less downtime after a repair is optimal. Summer is short in Ohio; we think you should spend every second of it enjoying your swimming pool!


Distillata has been solving the water needs of Northeast Ohio businesses for over a century! You can contact our team today by calling us at (800) 999-2906, use our live chat, or visit our facility at 1608 East 24th St, Cleveland, OH 44114.

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