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Water for Controlling Appetite

I once worked with a person that was obsessed with losing weight. The grapefruit diet, cabbage, dangerous pills, Atkins and the list, goes on…fad diets for which we have all fallen. They remove the buns from two-quarter pounders and drowned salad in cheese and ranch dressing. As you may guess, it never worked.

Our senses tell us that eating bacon all day is not a practical way to lose weight. We know better but, we do it anyway all in the name of controlling our appetites.

What if I told you there is a better way? A way that is natural and makes sense. Hold on to your hats because this is so simple it will blow your mind – drink water! Drinking a proper amount of water throughout the day helps control your appetite, leads to a healthier lifestyle, and weight loss. There are three ways that it works.

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1) Drinking More Water Eliminates The Confusion Between Hunger and Thirst

Thirst and hunger are two sensations that operate through a similar process in our bodies. Unfortunately, often our brain mixes them up making us believe that we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. Stay well hydrated and you can help eliminate this confusion. Next time you think you feel hungry, try these steps.

Drink an 8-10 ounce glass of water. Wait 30 minutes. Evaluate whether or not you still feel hungry, if the answer is yes then, by all means, make yourself a healthy snack. If you are no longer craving food, the water trick worked, and you just avoided unneeded calories!

loading 5-gallon Distillata water bottle onto a water cooler

2) Drinking Water Helps You Feel Fuller

This is a no-brainer. Fill your tummy with water to help create a fuller feeling. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal or snack will take up space in your stomach. Take it up a notch and add some sparkle. Sparkling or carbonated water tends to suppress your appetite even further.

3) Colder Is Better

Ice cold water tastes fantastic and it causes calories to burn while bringing the temperature up to your body level. Don’t expect to drop a dress size by doing this alone. The number of calories used is pretty small. But, when you are trying to lose weight every calorie counts.

stainless steel water cooler with a bottle of Distillata 5-gallon water on top

There you have it, the weight loss secret you have been waiting for – water. Drinking more of this naturally delicious beverage has a two-fold effect – it fill you up, and replaces high-calorie drinks such as juice and soda.

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