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Benefits of Drinking Water

Did you know there is a powerful tool that you can use to easily cover all of the key areas of self-improvement? Drinking water does more for your health, mind, and body than perhaps any other one thing can. In addition, you can save money by cutting out expensive soda, juices, and sports drinks. You can save time with a home bottled water delivery service. And, drinking more water can improve the functioning and appearance of pretty much every inch of your body.

Increase Your Water Intake

It’s no secret that water is our most important nutrient. Without enough, we experience headaches, back pain, neck pain, increased risk of kidney stones, fatigue, and a slow metabolism. Believe it or not, Americans do drink about eight servings of hydrating beverages per day. However, 75% of people are still chronically dehydrated. Caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and high-sodium diets increase our hydration needs beyond those eight servings. To help you better understand how hydration improves your health, below are five benefits to incorporating more water into your daily diet.

Joint Health

There are multiple causes of joint pain including ineffective synovial fluid. Synovial fluid reduces friction and provides resistance to impact. When this fluid is not healthy, joint pain occurs. Chronic dehydration is a common cause of ineffective synovial fluid. Although in most cases simply drinking water does not cure joint pain, it helps treat the underlying issues by:

  • Providing aid to synovial fluid
  • Moving nutrients through the bloodstream and to the joints
  • Moving waste products and toxins out of the joints
  • Lubricating joints and reducing inflammation

Remember, pain is a warning signal. If you experience joint pain, your body is telling you something is abnormal. Visit a physician immediately, subtract sugary, caffeinated beverages and drink more water. Read more about water’s effect of joint health here.

filling a clear distillata water bottle from a water cooler

Muscle Health

Hydration is essential for muscles, which are made up of nearly 79% water. Muscles pull water from the blood when being used. The water lubricates the tissue and surrounding cells, allowing it to function without strain or fatigue.

The opposite process occurs if you are dehydrated. Water is drawn out of the muscle and back into the bloodstream to ensure proper circulation and a safe blood pressure. This leaves the muscle and its cells dry. A dry muscle will not function optimally and will become easily fatigued, especially for athletes. Also, chronic dehydration can cause a breakdown of muscle resulting in damage to vital organs. To maintain properly functioning, healthy muscles – drink more water. Read more about how water helps keep muscles healthy here.

Heart Health

Water is crucial when it comes to proper heart function. In fact, a study performed by the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that participants who drank more than five glasses of water per day had a 40% decrease in their risk of fatal coronary disease.

Another side effect of dehydration is blood thickness (also known as blood viscosity). Thick blood causes your heart to work harder. Studies from Harvard University have indicated that this increases the risk of a heart attack. To alleviate strain on the heart and help reduce heart attack risks – drink more water. Learn more about water and heart health here.

doing push ups at home with cat in foreground

Skin Health

Your skin is your largest organ. Like any other organ, it requires ample amounts of water to function properly. Drinking water helps your skin in a number of ways:

  • Creates a bright, glowing appearance
  • Increases resiliency
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Eliminates of toxins and impurities
  • Prevents breakouts by hydrating pores and releasing oils
  • Aids in the delivery of nutrients to your skin cells

Without adequate hydration – the skin will become tight, dull, and flaky. Wrinkles will become more prominent. If you want your skin to be healthier and more youthful in appearance – drink more water. Learn more about water and glowing skin here.

Appetite Control

When you drink a proper amount of water  it helps control your appetite. This leads to a healthier lifestyle and can help you lose weight. Water helps reduce the confusion between hunger and thirst while making you feel fuller.

Thirst and hunger operate through a similar process in our bodies. Unfortunately, our brain often confuses the two. The confusion makes us feel hungry when we are actually thirsty. Drink an 8-10-ounce glass of water before a meal or snack to help curb this sensation. If you are no longer craving food after 30 minutes, you successfully avoided unnecessary calories. Read more about how water helps control your appetite here.

glass distillata water bottle next to silver weights

Colder is better

Ice cold water tastes amazing and causes your body to burn more calories. You body has to work to increase the water temperature. This alone is not the solution to losing weight – but it will help.

Water helps the body release burned fat. Once your body burns fat, it must be released through metabolic pathways. The byproducts of fat metabolism are expelled through your lungs, sweat, and urine. If you want your body to release these fatty byproducts from your body quicker – drink more water.

Drinking Water for the Body

The amount of water you need per day has long been a debated. The answer varies depending on physical activity, age, climate, and diet. A general rule of thumb for daily water intake is to drink half your weight in ounces. For example, if you are 150 pounds, you would need to drink at least 75 ounces of water a day (that is a little more than nine glasses). Keep water nearby to ensure you drink more of it and consider getting a water coolerwater filtration system, or ongoing bottled water delivery.

Now that the evidence is clear…your body needs you to drink more water, how do you stick to it? You can use these tips but, through our experience, we have learned that the best way to drink more water is to have it readily available. Have a reusable bottle with you at all times.

Watch this video to see how our delivery service works:


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